Thealingua Publishings

99 exercises for theatrical creation.

This book is a theater exercises repertoire collected by Thealingua founders Marjorie Nadal and Damien Poinsard. Some are classics, others unpublished, and the authors have experimented with them at length, adapting them for participants of all ages including non-French locutors.

The exercises are presented in six chapters corresponding to the six stages of collective theatrical creation: group dynamics, acting tools, improvisation games, writing and appropriation of text, staging and pre-show rehearsals.

This repertoire is part of the THEALINGUA collection, a set of tools designed to support multilingual collective theatrical creation based on the three Thealingua principles: the body, the collective and commitment.

This set of methods forms the basis for training Thealinguists, theater and language teachers.

From tale to theater, guide from text to stage.

From text to stage, there’s just one step… or rather 24 detailed sessions in this book. Intended for teachers who, like us, believe in the benefits of creative expression and the importance of language in the daily lives of future adults, this guide has been designed and written to accompany you, throughout the school year, in the dramatization of a tale.

24 sessions packed with concrete examples and practical advice, a hundred or so exercises, as well as a panorama to keep an overview of the project and thematic sheets: a tailor-made guide for primary and secondary school teachers.