Would you like to support Thealingua? Here are three ways to do so:

HERALD : spread ideas and values.

Our values are based on bringing people together, letting everyone express themselves in all languages, creative and poetic potential, and commitment to collectives (see our charter). You can see them put into practice in our multilingual theatrical creations!
Subscribe à notre lettre d’information bimensuelle et la diffuser à réception. Abonnement en bas de page.
Follow projects from Thealingua via videos : Youtube/Thealingua
Witness our development on LinkedIn.

AMBASSADOR: contribute to development.

Get trained, sign up for a workshop or organize a workshop or training in your establishment. Visit the pages :

Ateliers adultes à Berlin
Atelier dans votre établissement
Formation dans votre établissement
Devenir Thealinguiste.

BENEFACTOR: contribuer au développement.

To support our work, make a one-off or regular donation.

These donations help us, for example, to buy teaching materials, design and publish our communications, pay artists and Thealinguists, or finance video recordings or projects with a school…

As Thealingua operates under the aegis of a public-interest company (Cours et Jardins gUG), all donations are tax-deductible.
Calculate German tax deductions here.