“Thealingua Europa” is a program validated for 2 years. It is supported by the Centre CREAL association in France and Cours et Jardins gUG in Berlin.
A 3-year project (Nov 2023 Nov 2026) run by EAFC (Ecole Académique de la Formation Continue) in Lyon. [Add file number]
3 meetings and 8 quarterly video meetings/trainings of the “learning community “The learning community (Thealinguists + enthusiasts of innovative teaching methods based on theater and the body).
LOS! To adjust and enrich our practices
TEST! To test and evaluate in the field
BABEL! To celebrate and disseminate
“Support engineering as a lever for pedagogical innovation”.
- Define and define the notion of pedagogical innovation.
- create an ethical platform for exchanging ideas and practices
- A method to be perfected together and translated into German
- Analyze and model practices and support systems for pedagogical innovation.
- Propose a Europe-wide set of resources (tools, methods, systems) to support the professional development of the various players involved in educational innovation.